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The goal of ispv is to retrieve and load data from the Czech database of average earnings (ISPV, Informační systém o průměrném výdělku).


You can install the development version of ispv like so:



The package does two things, either for national or regional data:

  • retrieve links to Excel files on the ISPV site for a given year
  • read those data and return in a clean tibble ready for analysis

Here is an example for regional data:


links <- pv_list_reg(2020)

paths <- file.path(getwd(), links$name[c(1, 2, 15, 16)])
purrr::walk2(links$url[c(1, 2, 15, 16)], paths, curl::curl_download)

data <- pv_reg_monthlypay_isco4(paths)

#> # A tibble: 545 × 23
#>    kraj_id_ispv isco4_full     fte_thous pay_median pay_d1 pay_q1 pay_q3 pay_d9 pay_mean bonus_perc supplements_perc compensation_pe…
#>    <chr>        <chr>              <dbl>      <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
#>  1 Pra          1120 Nejvyšší…     1.25     147534. 39480. 66898. 3.04e5 4.48e5  214252.       28.0             0.46            10.4 
#>  2 Pra          1211 Řídící p…     2.84     100871. 44964. 68750. 1.59e5 2.20e5  131047.       19.3             0.73            10.0 
#>  3 Pra          1212 Řídící p…     0.900    100313. 45651. 64583. 1.66e5 2.37e5  129529.       18.6             0.53            11.0 
#>  4 Pra          1219 Ostatní …     1.62      76178. 31050. 49090. 1.31e5 1.86e5  102520.       20.9             1.3             10.5 
#>  5 Pra          1221 Řídící p…     4.88      91330. 38618. 56198. 1.47e5 2.35e5  119951.       24.9             0.71            10.6 
#>  6 Pra          1223 Řídící p…     0.989     99731. 45760. 67100. 1.43e5 2.04e5  118815.       18.3             0.82            11.0 
#>  7 Pra          1321 Řídící p…     1.44      67123. 20246. 44127. 1.12e5 1.57e5   87536.       24.4             0.82            10.6 
#>  8 Pra          1323 Řídící p…     2.07      75469. 31909. 49077. 1.04e5 1.38e5   83886.       21.6             0.52            10.3 
#>  9 Pra          1324 Řídící p…     2.40      72326. 35602. 48826. 1.10e5 1.54e5   88585.       17.7             1.83            13.3 
#> 10 Pra          1330 Řídící p…     2.81     115329. 52052. 73825. 1.62e5 2.29e5  134422.       19.6             1.3              9.64
#> # … with 535 more rows, and 11 more variables: hours_per_month <dbl>, file <chr>, sfera <chr>, period <chr>, year <chr>,
#> #   quarter <chr>, kraj_id <chr>, kraj_name <chr>, kraj_id_nuts3 <chr>, isco4_id <chr>, isco4_name <chr>

This is a long format data frame, so is easy to analyse and visualise:

data_select <- data |> 
  filter(isco4_name == "Mzdoví účetní")
ggplot(data_select, aes(pay_mean, kraj_name, fill = sfera)) +
  geom_col() +
  facet_wrap(~sfera, ncol = 1) +

About the data

The data is special in several ways:

  • it contains pay and staff counts broken by ISCO-4 level for each region (kraj), further separated into the “wage sphere” and “salary sphere” - broadly private and public sector, respectively
  • pay is broken down into regular pay, bonuses, other compensation and other components

This is probably the most detailed labour market data available publicly.

See details on the official page: English and Czech

The data is only available to the public in Excel files, separately for each year and region. This package makes it possible to download and read the data in bulk.

The public sector part of the data is based on individual-level returns provided by each public sector organisation. The private sector part is based on a survey.

The data items are documented in the relevant data loading functions, i.e. currently only pv_load_reg.

Limitations of the package

The source data contains multiple breakdowns and other types of information. Currently, the package only supports loading the pay-and-headcount tables for certain breakdowns (notably ISCO and NACE as well as gender and age, and education levels).


The data is collected and managed by Trexima on behalf of the Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

This package is not affiliated with or endorsed by the ministry, but they deserve credit for commissioning the data collection and maintenance.