The goal of purrrow is to provide out-of-memory data collation into Arrow datasets.
It provides a set of functions with a logic similar to purrr, except that the result is an arrow dataset on disk. Each of these functions iterates the function passed to .f
over .x
and builds an arrow dataset on disk that contains all the data returned by .f
as it iterates over .x
For a primer on Arrow datasets and how to work with them in dplyr, see the vignette in Arrow (vignette('dataset', 'arrow')
This has two advantages:
followed by arrow::write_dataset()
, you do not need to have all the data in memory at one time; the binding into one dataset happens out of memory.As in purrr, the functions come in multiple flavours, with a suffix indicating the output:
: returns the directory in which the resulting dataset is stored (which is also its .path
: returns an arrow Dataset
: returns paths to all the files in the arrow dataset. This can be useful for tracking the files in make-like workflows, e.g. {targets}
.This is not yet on CRAN. You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
months <- unique(airquality$Month)
part_of_mpg <- function(month) {
td <- file.path(tempdir(), "arrowmp")
aq_arrow_dir <- marrow_dir(.x = months, .f = part_of_mpg,
.partitioning = "Month",
.path = td)
#> Attaching package: 'arrow'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
#> timestamp
#> FileSystemDataset with 5 Parquet files
#> Ozone: int32
#> Solar.R: int32
#> Wind: double
#> Temp: int32
#> Day: int32
#> Month: int32
#> See $metadata for additional Schema metadata
td <- file.path(tempdir(), "arrowmp2")
aq_arrow_ds <- marrow_ds(.x = months, .f = part_of_mpg,
.partitioning = "Month",
.path = td)
#> FileSystemDataset with 5 Parquet files
#> Ozone: int32
#> Solar.R: int32
#> Wind: double
#> Temp: int32
#> Day: int32
#> Month: int32
#> See $metadata for additional Schema metadata
td <- file.path(tempdir(), "arrowmp3")
aq_arrow_files <- marrow_files(.x = months, .f = part_of_mpg,
.partitioning = "Month",
.path = td)
#> [1] "/var/folders/c8/pj33jytj233g8vr0tw4b2h7m0000gn/T//Rtmpc5tgdL/arrowmp3/Month=5/part-2.parquet"
#> [2] "/var/folders/c8/pj33jytj233g8vr0tw4b2h7m0000gn/T//Rtmpc5tgdL/arrowmp3/Month=6/part-3.parquet"
#> [3] "/var/folders/c8/pj33jytj233g8vr0tw4b2h7m0000gn/T//Rtmpc5tgdL/arrowmp3/Month=7/part-0.parquet"
#> [4] "/var/folders/c8/pj33jytj233g8vr0tw4b2h7m0000gn/T//Rtmpc5tgdL/arrowmp3/Month=8/part-1.parquet"
#> [5] "/var/folders/c8/pj33jytj233g8vr0tw4b2h7m0000gn/T//Rtmpc5tgdL/arrowmp3/Month=9/part-4.parquet"
, marrow_*()
functions do not infer partitioning from grouping in the dataset returned by .f. This is intentional so as not to introduce confusion in the partitioning.purrr::*_dfr()
’s .id
parameter yet