Consulting work
Office of the Government, CZ (2021-ongoing): developing dataset of public finance data for estimating the impact of EU funds on the economy; analysis of public finance data to understand the role of EU funding in public spending.
Centre for Transport and Energy, CZ (2021-ongoing): Climate Tagging of EU Funds in the Czech Republic
I also work on non-technical topics (governance, policy making) with České priority / Czech Priorities, a nonprofit working to strengthen evidence-based decision making in the Czech public sector.
I am currently unable to take on larger projects.
Schola Empirica (2020): transitioning the organisation’s data analysis team to state-of-the-art reproducible workflow using custom-built package {reschola} with document templates, custom visual themes and project templates.
Ministry of Regional Development CZ (2020): preparing core data on EU subsidies for analysis, incl. extensive data checking and transformation using administrative open data and geospatial and text analysis.
Learning and development / Training
I am available to design and deliver training in data analysis (mostly R), data visualisation, open data/data governance and related topics, including comprehensive programs to help teams transition to more effective ways of working with data and empirical evidence.
You might be interested in these examples of talks and trainings (in Czech) that I have delivered recently.
R packages
- {statnipokladna}: using Czech public finance data in R
- {czso}: discovery and use of data from the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO)
- {pragr}: use Prague’s open geospatial data
- {vsezved}: use open and not so open data on Czech schools (“registr škol”)
Quick experimental dashboards
- czechtrack tracking selected Czech public finance time series
- covid tracking selected data for COVID-19 in the Czech Republic
Analysis of public sector data (work in progress)
- Obce COVID-19 simulating the impact of Covid-related economic shocks on local public finance
- Czech public service in numbers looking at the Czech public sector workforce, updating preview work with Petr Janský
Pro bono
Č Učíme online (2021): data integration and analysis supporting operations and evaluation of volunteers helping schools with remote instruction. (Includes open and proprietary spatial, administrative, survey and project data from across a range of sources and storage locations); integration of core data on schools; collection and analysis of network data to assess the state of school technology; analysis and visualisation of data on technologies used by schools
Applied analysis
These are some publicly accessible examples of my work done for various employers over the years.
Prague Institute for Planning and Development
- Prague’s finances in international and national comparison (2020) - lead author of 2 parts, using open budget data (Státní pokladna)
- Core Spatial Analytics Report (Územně analytické podklady, 2020) - lead author of data analysis on Prague’s public finances (time series analysis, comparative analysis, visualisation)
Ministry of Regional Development
Institute for Government
- Whitehall Monitor (2012-15) co-creator of project assessing performance of UK public sector through visualisation and data journalism
- Financial Leadership in Government (2013) co-author of report on financial management in UK government